All You Do Is Swim
This Weekly Maintenance Package Includes:
- One trip per week (additional trips can be arranged)
- Net debris off the top of the water
- Clean all baskets
- Vacuum entire pool/spa up to 1 hour
- Test total water chemistry balance including 6 parameters
- Make chemical adjustment for the week
- Clean filter system when needed
- Inspect system, pool and yard for safety hazards and preventative maintenance.
Expansion Joints
- Prevent costly unnecessary tile and coping repairs before it occurs.
- When the pool was new, a foam joint was installed that should be replaced with a specialized caulking
- Provides a truly finished look rather than foam or empty space
- Protects and seals by not allowing water to get into the gap between the coping and the deck which can cause damage
- Replaces deteriorating foam which attracts debris, weeds and insects
For more information about Gorlin Pools & Spas, call 732-323-8200, email or contact us here.